

The bagel blade

In the beginning there was nothing, and Chris was at peace with existence. Then that nothing had to ruin it all and become something, and that something was Darkened Dawn. At first the God Chris was delighted, as the creatures and people on Darkened Dawn were unique and had free-will.

The consequence of free-will though, is defiance .

To deal with this, the Creator started to moderate the little realm he had created. But as it began to grow and expand, he realized that one person cannot keep everyone in check 24-7. With other undesirables like exploiters and spammers joining in waves, a pantheon was needed to keep the evil at bay. And, in the early parts of the game's history, the first moderator team was born. They were chosen from the most kind hearted, most active, and most righteous people on Darkened Dawn (I know thats like saying they were the most innocent lawyer, but give Chris a break, he did the best with what he had).

Through this they were given unique guidelines. As long as they followed the Roblox's ToS and their judgements tried to avoid the punishment of banning, they can do what they will with the powers given. So the first wave of moderators hit the beaches with determination and good-spirits, and for a time, the balance of nature was restored.

But, much like anything else in the universe, nothing lasts forever. One by one the moderators went silent. A combination of people leaving the game, powers having to be stripped because a person was too zealous or not zealous enough, or just people stepping down because they didn't want the stress, the amount of moderators thinned. Soon it went from nine, to seven, all the way down to three. As the end of an era was coming to a close (2012-2014), and the amount of exploiters was reaching an all time high, a new founding was needed.

With the new map came new moderators, and these moderators were not like the ones of old. They were not the paragons of right and selflessness that the community was known to have, but more of a bunch of straight-jacketed lunatics from an asylum. And though they may be more demons and imps then angels now, they still follow the ancient code. Some from this founding has fallen over the years, but each time one falls the community votes another into the pantheon.

So the balance is held naturally, as if one of the pantheon gets too ban-happy, or pisses off the comunity too much, they can be burned at the stake and a new one be promoted. Some moderators have taken this to heart and have found ways to balance this with their leisure activities. Through popularity, productivity, reliability, and subtlety, the moderators today have clung onto their powers for ages.

Yet the community is always looking for a demigod to put on the pyre...

Roles as a Moderator


Being a moderator is a chance to make a mark on the Darkened Dawn community, for better or for worse. Ever since the game became FE enabled, the role of moderator has mainly been more to make sure no one is trying to spoil the fun of other people, since exploiters are few and far inbetween now. The moderators are given free reign to do basically whatever they want with their powers, as long as they follow ROBLOX's ToS and spend part of their time keeping the peace on Darkened Dawn and the Discord server itself. They can teleport people, explode people, and enforce their own will on almost a cruel level. But this comes with two caveats:

1. They cannot ban or kick people (in Darkened Dawn anyways) unless they are breaking Roblox's TOS.
2. And if the community starts to push back at them, they will be burned at the stake, and another will take their place.

As previously stated, many moderators have different ways of making sure they are not Chris' fuel for his next BBQ, and this also makes it so that some specialize in a certain part of moderating.

Some moderators like L0c0Crazy45 and Scott take up night shift, allowing their antics to go unnoticed while providing an important moderating team for the times when most moderators are in bed.

Most Alpha Moderators have taken to moderating the server and the moderators themselves, as them being above all the other lunatics allows them to make sure none of them start to get any ideas about pulling a fast one on God.

And some make sure to always be an advocate for the people, allowing them to get away with even greater antics, knowing that they have the majority support to make sure they don't get hanged by an angry mob.

Some moderators like Weet and Creme are in charge of morph submissions, giving back to the community and helping take the load of of Chris' back when it comes to the overwhelming submission rate.

But overall they all fufill the ancient role that was assigned to them, making sure Darkened Dawn stays a fun (if not slightly insane) place to roleplay in.

"I want to be a moderator, what should I do?"


Well first off, if thats truly what you want to do, then I want to say I am sorry, and to hang in there because highschool does get better. Sadly, in spite of the fact I hate being the bearer of bad news, a person does not just apply to get a moderator position. Usually a moderator position only opens up when an influx of players creates a need for a new position to open up, or one of the moderators ate a big one and a vacancy was created.

Either or though, it is not about your qualifications per-say, but more of your standing in the community. If you have a great standing in the community then you are qualified to become a moderator.

This may seem easy enough, but the second challange is that most, if not all, of the current moderators must agree with your promotion. So if one of the moderators doesn't like you, the chances of you being a moderator just went down to zero.

If one got through both these hurtles, then one of the final tests is if think you are a good fit for moderator position. Usually Chris doesn't care who becomes moderator, as long as the community and those that run the community are happy. Rare occasions have occured though where an executive decision was passed down, denying a person godhood, just because something just didn't feel right to Chris.

Besides these tests, small things like being at a mature age, and being active in the VC Discord are needed to get into the pantheon.

"A moderator is being mean, what should I do?"


Welp sonny, if this is just not some random joke that got out of hand you have a couple of options. You see, moderators have a lot of lee-way when it comes to their actions in Darkened Dawn, and usually, as long as the community as a whole is not angry, and the fellow moderators are not angry, Chris is more then likely going to let the status quo stay the same. There are a few things though that will get Chris' attention. Some of which include:

1. They cannot break Roblox's ToS on Darkened Dawn.
2. They cannot ban or kick for no reason (Though a GOOD reason is not really needed).

These two things, among some other situations, are events that if brought to Chris' attention will make him take note and investigate. Usually though, he will not take action if its just the moderator exploding a player that was a BIT to rude for the moderator's liking. On top of that the natural selection that happens to moderators is that if they do piss off the community it tends to bite them in the rump REALLY fast.


Moderator Moderator Moderator
Moderator Moderator Moderator