Creme (DrTheophilus)


The Modest

The Great Mad One Chris knows almost all that goes on in his domain. From the simplest whispers, to the most backroom dealings, very few things escape his gaze. Which makes it more confusing to Chris on how they became moderator, because even HE doesn't remember. Much like the story parents tell their kids when they get asked an uncomfortable question, Creme kind of just... APPEARED as a moderator, with little fanfare or excitement. This is what makes Creme an outlier. On top of all this, by all degrees of imagination, Creme shouldn't be a moderator. They do not hold the mass' heart like Weet, or a "Master Morph Builder" like Scott, or even a niche moderator that fulfills a timeslot like l0c0. They are just, kinda, there. Not to say they haven't shown their worth, as they, along with l0c0 and a few others, seem to be some of the most well-rounded moderators Darkened Dawn has seen in recent years. Easy to talk to, reliable in their duty, and helps out on the morph processing process.



Creme's role in the server is one of passive maintenance. Always making sure things are running smoothly and with as little drama as possible. Though not the MOST active moderator, they are a common sight in Darkened Dawn and the Discord. Not aggressive or unpredictable in how they conduct themselves, Creme is an easy person to like and a person many a people go to voice grievances. Creme also helps out with morph processing and checking, though their friend Weet usually initiates the process of checking the morphs.

Overall they are a welcomed addition to the pantheon of moderators, and time will tell the mark Creme will leave on Darkened Dawn.