Humble Beginnings
Just Starting Out
Chris' game started out like any other game in 2008, with an idea and no game matching his idea. He was just a noob like any other, joining random games in the horror category,
roleplaying supernatural things and the like. No matter how many places he went to and tried out, Chris could never find a game that scratched his itch. Either they didn't have enough customization
options, didn't have enough roleplay items for humans (A character concept he loved to roleplay as), or if they did have roleplay items and such, they did damage. The last part made most of those
types of games more of a combat orientated game, then a roleplay one. So Chris, having a big brain moment, decided to make his own game.
This idea is not as far-fetched as it is now. Back then it wasn't looked down upon to use free-models to make one's game since at that point there was no big team developers on ROBLOX.
This, coupled with the lack of games to play, made anyone who started out actually have a chance to become popular overnight. This today is much harder, as people these days have things called
expectations, and standards. But to Chris at the ripe age of adolescence, did not give a baker's frick about any of this. He just wanted a place to roleplay with his couple of friends online.
So the stage was set, and as Chris went into Build Mode (He didn't know how to go into Studio Edit mode yet), he started crafting his game. Adding a starting place to put customization options
came first, and although this next thing was removed early on in favor of a teleport block, the spawn and lobby was attached to the map. From this a couple of free-model houses were added,
along with a cave, a church, and a simple low poly waterfall. Lastly, Chris with his big brain, modified an AK-47 free-model gun script to do zero damage (He was real proud of it).
One may notice out of MOST the things that was originally added, the caves were never outsourced or compromised for free-models. You will see a pattern of this later.
And voilĂ ! The first map was made.