Player Suggestions
(Creator Note:) If you were looking for the actual rules for the game, click here. If you are looking on some personal advice from a person that has been roleplaying
longer then some of my playerbase has been on this earth, you've come to the right place. Just because you are not breaking the rules doesn't mean you are roleplaying well. People like to shoot down other people
when they are first trying to learn to roleplay, without understanding that everyone has to learn somewhere. Not to say that it makes it any less annoying to be insta-gibbed by a demon-angle(yes an angle)-werewolf
-robot-hybrid, its just pointing out that we were all at that level of roleplaying at some point in our lives. So without further ado, these are some suggestions that I strongly
suggest you following.
1. Get PTK, it's no fun if a person comes up to you and insta-kills you with no premise or warning.
2. God-Modding ain't fun! The best stories are the ones that involve challenge and growth. You being able to one-shot people or heal people instantly just takes away a lot of the plot that makes
a story a good story.
3. A controversial one, but hear me out, speed-typing is annoying. It goes from being a battle between two people with backstories and powers, into who can type faster.
Give time for the other person to type their reaction, it goes a long way.
4. Punctuation and grammar is good! Though people shouldn't be THAT GUY and nitpick grammar mistakes, always try to write carefully and concisely.
Even the best written books would lose its immersion if every other word was spelled wrong.
5. Humanity rules! As a person that roleplays almost exclusively as a human, you should try being a human or a average-joe once in awhile. At the end of the day we are all heroes, some of us are
modest enough to keep our capes at home.
6. Not every person and every choice is good or evil! Sometimes the greatest villains in stories are so good because they actually believe they are doing whats right.
And some of the best heroes are the ones that have the strength do make a choice that may not be perfect The world is complicated. People are complicated. Try not being a cardboard cutout.
7. Stay with a certain way of roleplaying. Most people don't care on how you roleplay, like if you use * * to signify actions or "" to talk, but be consistent. It helps everyone stay immersed.
8. It's not just about you! Remember, everyone has their story and path they want to explore. Try being a supporting character every once in a while in the story. It is more fun than you think.
There we go! Now I know there are many more good tips and tricks a person can do to make it so everyone is having a good time, but these were the mistakes I see the most with new and veteran roleplayers alike.
If you follow these, and the rules as stated previously, I guarantee you are going to have an enjoyable roleplay.