Discord Info

Table of Contents

a. Background Information and Rules
b. Suggestions and Guidance
c. Channel Descriptions
d. Role Descriptions

Background Information


If you have read through the site, you would see a pattern of respect and order throughout the Darkened Dawn game on ROBLOX. You would then assume the Discord Server, being a direct extension of the game would be just like it, following ROBLOX's ToS, and making the server a fun place for people of all ages.

If you thought any of this I would suggest putting down the bottle, because you ain't in Kansas anymore.

The Darkened Dawn Discord is what you get when you let anarchy and lawlessness become the law. There are VERY few rules and regulations for the Server, and while one is often pointed to the ToS of Roblox, Chris will point you to the ToS of Discord. And for the two people in the audience that actually read the ToS of Discord, you would know it says little if anything about cursing, name calling, and overall just being a jerk. There are people there from all areas and spectrums, and unless you have a thick skin, you will get overwelmed very quick.

So lets go over some basic rules that apply to most if not all of the channels:


Rule One: Don't break Discord's ToS (Which also means NOTHING ILLEGAL)

Rule Two: Don't @ everyone unless you have a deathwish.

Rule Three: Don't @ Coldwolf, it will end badly.

Rule Four: Don't be an idiot (This is up to the powers that be when judging you).

Rule Five: Don't post NSFW pictures or videos in any of the public chats.

Rule Six: Don't leave the server and join back to remove a role.

Rule Seven: Don't post off-topic in the channels. Reports are for reports, pictures are for pictures, general is for most other things (Futher explanation later in page).

Rule Eight: Don't spam.

Rule Eight: No links to other Discords unless given permission.

Rule Nine: Chris is above these rules because he said so.

One may say that the lack of a clear structure and regulations would hinder the server. To be completely honest though, its been rather stable in the grand scheme of things. The server is not meant for the real young and easily hurt, as thats why ROBLOX made it so only those 13+ could even see the invite on ROBLOX. If you get passed the cringe and the trash-posts, you can see the server is where you can actually converse with people that love and play the game.

Suggestions and Guidance

Now that I am sure you have seen the state of the server and how it more resembles a dark back alley then a forum for educational thought and ideas (Both of the latter concepts considered curse words for most of the denizens that inhabit the server) I am sure you wonder what use is it to join such a place? Well let me tell you, there is actually some great features and things you can do to make yourself at home and not get brutally eaten by that Thanos Crab watching you from the back of that dumpster. Lets go over some things you can do first before we go futher into it.


Post memes. As long as the meme is dank and hip and isn't breaking the main rules, go crazy. Be prepared to be offended by some though.

Converse with fellow roleplayers. Almost everyone in the server is either an active or was an active player on Darkened Dawn at some point. Talk to them about some of your gripes and what not.

Get help with morph submissions. In #Morph-Support one can ask the many people there how to tinker around with the morph template to get unique and cool effects and builds. Ask how other people made theirs and try to improve on your building skills. Which leads into the subset of this activity...

Submit your morphs. In Morph Submissions you can submit your private morph so it can be added to the game. Keep in mind that it cannot be uploaded as a file and must be submitted to ROBLOX as a model and put on uncopylocked. Just post the link to the morph.

Talk to the moderators and creator. Most moderators (MOST) love it when people converse with them, and as long as one watches their step, one can have a great time and get to know some of the people that keep the Darkened Dawn Game fun and friendly for all.

Post art. An unintended activity that has sprung up, you can post your art for others to see. The #l0co-channel and #potato-palace are both channels run by specific moderators that always have some personal art posted there. Just remember, its more of the moderator's realm than anything else.

Play other games with fellow roleplayers. One doesn't have to exclusively talk about and play Darkened Dawn. In fact, organize a raid on Destiny, or a team comp for Dota or Team Fortress. As long as you aren't spamming, its all in good fun.

Suggest things to the developer. There is a handy #ideas-suggestion channel for ideas and well, suggestions, that the community may want added in the game. The creator is always checking, so don't be afraid to post (Just know other people can give their thoughts on the idea).

Report bugs. This is a crucial part of any game, and for a usually one man development team like Darkened Dawn, it helps out a lot. Post the bug, how it happens, and if you are informed enough on coding, how you think it can be fixed. Any errors in console is appreciated and pictures do help too.

Report rulebreakers and exploiters. The #reports channel is exclusively for those people breaking the ToS of ROBLOX. Type the full name of the exploiter along with what they are doing that is breaking the rules and, if possible, a screenshot or picture of the crime. If it is effecting multiple people in a bad way that cannot be ignored using the block GUI in the game (Mass spamming hats, somehow exploding people, ect), then by all means tag the darkened dawn moderators (Just not the Alpha Moderators as they are meant for something else).

Give back to the community by helping out with the game. So this is a bit of a specific channel and activity. In #community-participation Chris will sometimes ask for people to make certain things for the game. Now just to crush the dream now, it will most likely be something boring and small (A trashcan, bench, lamp, coffee mug, ect) and must of the fun stuff like creating actually buildings will be done by Chris. Doing those things though help move along the development process and help make updates come out sooner and more frequently.

Channel Descriptions

Most of the descriptions can be seen at the top, but just in case here are some quick blurbs about each channel:

#general: The place where most conversation goes on. Memes are posted, insults traded, and community strengthened. This is where people spend most of their time.

#[Error]: Nothing is here, move along.

#roleplay-channel: A role over channel from a previous time, it was originally meant for people to be able to roleplay on the server. Now its just used to post cringy roleplays and trash-post. Most people have this muted and don't use it.

#voice-chat: For those that don't have a mic and want to type to chat with people in the voice call. Just note it may be more affective to just put it in #general.

#exhibit: A server to confined only those people that break the rules and need disipline, but the moderator doesn't want to ban them. Those who have the exhibit rank can only see the exhibit itself, and the #observatory, and thus are effectively isolated from the rest of the server. They are the only ones, besides specific ranks, that can post there. YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SENT HERE!

#observatory: The place where you can talk and feed the people in the #exhibit. Note that they love peanuts, but the golden peanut is only allowed to be given by Chris.

#off-topic: #general getting heated with an argument and you just want to post something unrelated? Most people go here for that.

#community-participation: Another channel already talked about, you can give back to the community itself and help move along development. Just don't expect credit or the chance to work on anything big.

#help-me-decide: Post your poll about things and have community feedback. Not an active channel.

#game-bug-reports: Already talked about. Follow the guide in the suggestions on how to post your game bug and it will get addressed if not too big.

#shoutouts: Sometimes used for commemorating important dates or people, it has also been used to tell the server about important things that affects a lot of people. Expect your @everyone's here.

#pro-roleplay-bios: A mostly inactive place where you can see screenshots of some very cringy roleplay bios. Don't expect too much activity.

#l0co-channel: The realm of the Bagel blade themselves, this is where l0co posts most of their nich and hobby posts. You can probably post your art there and get some warm words of encouragement. They can moderator and kick as they see fit on their channel though, so tread lightly.

#game-night: Sometimes a moderator wants to host a game night with the community. You will see the information here. Some people have it muted because they don't care.

#valks-petroleum-tycoon: The Alpha Mod Valkyrie's own game dev channel its mostly inactive since he has moved on to real life work. Still a relic from the past. Channel is mostly dead.

#potato-palace: The realm of the Alpha Mod Cactus. Mostly functions like l0co's channel. A lot of art, and usually can post personal art projects with a warm reception.

#ministry-of-benevolence: Nothing to see here. Move along.

#morph-submissions: Where you post your ROBLOX link to your morph template and the Moderator Weet will get around to it eventually. Most people who don't upload private morphs have this channel muted.

#public-morphs-channel: Like #community-participation, but with morphs. Have a generic morph like a fox-lady morph that you think people will like, post it here, and make the Darkened Dawn game a slightly better place.

#morph-status: I really don't know, sometimes Chris uses it to @everyone saying morphs are done and to join the test map, other times its for something else morph related. If you don't care about morphs, mute and move on.

#morph-support: You looked at this page and still don't know why your morph didn't get accepted and is not working right? Maybe you want to find out how people are turning their bodies invisible for their morph. This is where you ask for help. You can @ the active ones in this channel and usually they will be in a good mood to help. For those that don't use morphs or care about morphs, just mute this to be honest.

#morph-status: I really don't know, sometimes Chris uses it to @everyone saying morphs are done and to join the test map, other times its for something else morph related. If you don't care about morphs, mute and move on.

Role Descriptions

So thats most of the information about the server itself and the various channels. The voice chat names are just for show (Except the music channel where the music bot should never leave). And I can here you now, "Wow this sounds like a really swell place, but what about the roles?" Well boy-howdy have I have a description of the roles here! Lets get into it (These are not in any particular order).

@YOUNGLINGS: The most common role. It defines a player that is not an adult (Or doesn't act like one) but is still active enough to have a role. It prevents the person from being pruned for being inactive and is a way to inform them that they are now a part of the community. Most people think this is an insult, but it really isn't as some of the biggest people on Darkened Dawn have that role. Most people just hate being called a youngling.

@ROLEPLAYERS: 16+ age and active in the voice call. Has to be mature and can at any point be bumped down to younglings if they start to act stupid.

@MORPHBOYS: Just people that are involved in making morphs. Usually you can ask these people for help. Pretty all around good people.

@GAMENIGHTPARTICIPANT: A person that wants to be notified if people are doing anything when it involves a game night. One of the few roles I believe any moderator will give you if you ask.

@DJ: Honestly I have no idea what it does and I am running on fumes writing this so I don't want to look it up. Probably involves the Rythm music bot or something. Ask a moderator like Weet whats up with that role.

@CLEANUPCREW Another old role that I am sure is not active anymore.

@"Special"Person: When a person acts stupid but they say they do it ironically. Usually looked down upon by the server. Eh, they are usually average.

@EXHIBITMEMBER: This role basically shackles you to the #exhibit to be laughed at by the community. Usually done to raiders and people that like to argue that roleplaying as inappropriate things is okay on a children's game.

@!!TrollALERT!!: (How many of these are there, its almost childish) Already talked about about a role like this. A label for a person thats immature and acting idiotic.

@RESIDENTARTIST A self-proclaimed artist. I really don't think there is a requirement for this, so you can probably ask L0co or Cactus (Wilson) for the role to get it without any vetting.

@EXHIBITWRANGLER: I promise this is the last one. These are the guys that feed those in the Exhibit. Usually popular members of the community that know how to deal with trolls. Shockingly, most of them are nice people.

@MORPHSUPPORT: People who have volunteered (With or without their concent) to help out with morph issues. You can usually tag them and get some help.

@CHANNELMODERATORS: The stepping stone of people with power on the Discord, they are usually the ones dealing with the small issues and the uncommon troll on the Discord.

@DARKENEDDAWNGAMEMODERATOR: This role is for the moderators of Darkened Dawn. They have power both on Discord and the Darkened Dawn game. They are chosen by the community and approved by the current moderators before given this power. Tread carefully with them. (You can learn more about them here).

@ALPHAMODERATOR: The ones that keep the lower moderators in line. Valkyrie and Coldwolf are mostly inactive, so if you have an issue and you need to speak to the top hancho, and don't want to speak to the creator Chris, you should talk to Cactus(Wilson).

@DARKENEDDAWNOWNER: The owner of the game, Chris. Not much else to say. Most people don't realise that he doesn't mind being DMed.